Luminous Data Miners Data Analysis
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File:LDM Inga 1
FUV - NUV versus 4.5um data plotted. Neither a trend or a separation between AGN and non-AGN sources seems obvious.--Saathoff 21:55, 19 November 2010 (PST)
Three Plots showing Data analysis: added by --Saathoff 17:40, 19 November 2010 (PST)
Results from Summer Visit in Pasadena, Ca 2010:
- Target List from Team Oil City on Jul 16 showing the targets from this study and the observation times for data collection.
- Convert RA & DEC from HH:MM:SS to Degrees Use to check RA and DEC in our proposal with RA & DEC in GALEX --Spuck 15:22, 20 July 2010 (PDT)
- Blank Data Table Each team should download the blank data table. Fill in the table with measurements you have made and upload the modified file containing your data to this section of the Wiki. PLEASE make sure you include your name in the updated file name.
- Data from Tristan + Inga First six targets with Data from GALEX and targets 2 + 3 with Data from Spitzer; posted by Tristan and Inga --Saathoff 14:25, 21 July 2010 (PDT)
- Targets 7 - 12 These are targets 7-12 posted by Darci and Domenic --Murtari 15:19, 20 July 2010 (PDT)
- Targets 13-18 These the targets 13-18 by Tanya and Casey --Mcnaughton 15:20, 20 July 2010 (PDT)
- Targets 19-24 These are targets 19-24 by Ian and Zach --Thom 15:24, 20 July 2010 (PDT)
- Targets 25-30 These are targets 25-30 posted by Kevin and Eric --Hale 15:27, 20 July 2010 (PDT)
- Additional AGN These are two extra targets to try. Not in the original list.posted by Rozy and Elizabeth--Ramseyer 15:54, 20 July 2010 (PDT)
- updated list This is the target list including apt data.--Mcnaughton 14:22, 21 July 2010 (PDT)
- Spitzer Targets 10-11 These is the Spitzer data for targets 10/11 posted by Darci and Domenic --Murtari 14:21, 21 July 2010 (PDT)
--Saathoff 08:45, 24 July 2010 (PDT):
- To convert the APT source intensities of the 4.5um data into magnitudes you should try and insert in column N in the excel table the following formula: (and adjust the "M2" as necessary)
- =2.5*LOG10(179.7/(M2*10^(-6)))
- For the 5.8um data you can insert the following in column S:
- =2.5*LOG10(115/(R2*10^(-6)))
--Spuck 11:24, 25 July 2010 (PDT) This is an initial data plot with 5 targets with trend line added ... need more data!!!.
- in this plot the FUV-NUV is on the X-axis; the 5.8um data is on the Y-axis... just for reference.--Saathoff 12:47, 25 July 2010 (PDT)