C-WAYS Proposal

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2012 proposal instructions

Proposal nitty gritty - first round, 1/27/12

Everyone should read last year's BRC proposal if you haven't already.

As per the instructions for this year's proposal, we need to have:

  • Abstract - write that last!
  • Science introduction and context - general overview - Debbie
  • including summary of literature on each of the BRCs:
    • BRC 38 - Jackie
    • BRC 27 - Lauren
    • BRC 34 - Robert
  • Analysis plan - Peggy
  • Edu plan - everyone

For most of this, you will now need to get into literature searching. Tips for literature searching on the wiki are here, with a link at the bottom of that page with more words. In summary:

  • use ADS.
  • use SIMBAD.

they are interlinked, but searching in both doesn't always give you the same results. in SIMBAD, you can search by position, and you should use a ~10 arcmin radius to look for objects. what other named objects are nearby? there may be other useful papers calling those other objects by those other names. To get articles, remember that you don't HAVE to go to the journal. For 'old enough' papers, they will be free. For newer papers, look for an arXiv link on the ADS abstract page. If you still can't get it, or want the final typeset journal version, send me an email with the ADS link, and I'll send back the PDF. ADS will cough up abstracts to proposals, abstracts from conferences without conference proceedings, conference proceedings, and refereed journal articles. that list is from least useful to most useful.

somewaht confusingly, sorry, links to some of the papers i list below are collected on this page, sorry. in the interest of getting this out to you, i didn't want to spend the time going to retrieve and link all of the abstract links again. we will ultimately be adding some of the papers you find to this spring work page, so this makes sense in the long run, but sorry for any additional confusion.

So that everyone understands the big picture, read the intro to Sugitani K., Fukui Y., Ogura K., 1991, ApJS, 77, 59. = SFO, because it is the discovery paper for the BRC catalog.

Intro - Debbie - look closely at last year's prop intro. go find the papers they reference. look at the SFO paper, and others they reference. look at the YSO background inforamtion on the wiki.

BRC 38 - Jackie - You have the biggest literature search problem, because we've done the least collective work here. You have leads for five papers from the wiki discussion about bouncing target selection:

  • Chauhan et al below.
  • Garmire & Gordon - chandra proposal - look for a paper by these guys reporting these results, but it might not exist
  • Valdettaro etal - also turns up in one of the other BRC searches.
  • choudhury et al.
  • Morgan et al.

this page which i grabbed and updated to be the meat of this page lists all the literature we decided to care about before. if you find a paper, the first thing you should do is look at this list to see if we grabbed and kept it or grabbed and discarded it before. assess (and keep track of) any new ones! it is likely there more you can find. yell if you need help. don't forget to try a SIMBAD search by position.

BRC 27 - Lauren - you are looking for any literature we missed last time, or new stuff that has appeared in the last 13 months. this page which i grabbed and updated to be the meat of this page lists all the literature we decided to care about before. if you find a paper, the first thing you should do is look at this list to see if we grabbed and kept it or grabbed and discarded it before. assess (and keep track of) any new ones! don't forget to try a SIMBAD search by position. papers i know you will want to scan:

  • Chauhan N, Pandey A.K., Ogura K., Ojha D.K., Bhatt B.C., Ghosh S.K., Rawat P.S., 2009, MNRAS, 396, 964. - does JHK + spitzer search for brc 27, 38 but we know they didn't do that great a job in 27, so they probably didn't do a great job in 38! but we need to mention in the proposal that this work exists and that we will compare our results to theirs.
  • Gregorio-Hetem J., Montmerle T., Rodrigues C. V., Marciotto E., Preibisch T., Zinnecker H., 2009, A&A, 2009, 506, 711.
  • Shevchenko V. S., Ezhkova O. V., Ibrahimov M. A., van den Ancker M. E., Tjin A, Djie H. R. E., 1999, MNRAS, 310, 210.
  • Wiramihardja S.D., Kogure T., Nakano M., Yoshida S., 1986, PASJ, 38, 395.

BRC 34- Robert - you are looking for any literature we missed last time, or new stuff that has appeared in the last 13 months. this page which i grabbed and updated to be the meat of this page lists all the literature we decided to care about before. you will note that very few mention BRC 34! The only one that was terribly useful was Ogura et al. 2002, AJ, 123, 2597, and even that, not very much. don't forget to try a SIMBAD search by position. if you exhaust the available literature without finding more, go help jackie with BRC 38.

analysis - Peggy - look at the proposal from last time. look at Rebull et al., 2011, ApJS, 196, 4 (the taurus/WISE paper) i gave you for that methodology. scan the appendix of Koenig et al., 2012, ApJ, 744, 130 -- we will get into this in more detail later, but this is the color selection mechanism using WISE colors. mention that we will re-reduce the Spitzer data for brc 38 if need be, and redo photometry on the serendipitously obtained spitzer off-source fields in the area if we need to -- the gang last year wasn't too concerned about those objects. (you can use similar words from last time involving MOPEX and APT). don't worry about reading the makovoz and marleau paper - way thick reading and not all that relevant. can cite Laher et al 2012 in prep for APT (dunno if we did that last year or not). we will merge with 2MASS, AKARI, anything else we can find. don't forget that we will have ground based optical data from JD to contribute as well. will need to get words from him on that. other important words - BRC 27 data already in the WISE public release; rest will be available in March 2012. i can give you a figure with that comparison when we get there.

Edu section - you're all on your own :)

FOR NEXT WEEK - read the proposal and (intro to the) SFO paper, get into your proposal section and see how much progress you can make on your proposal section. if you run out of stuff to do, ask if others need help.