Talk:C-WAYS Spring work

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Getman 2006 X-Ray Study of Triggered Star Formation and Protostars in IC 1396N

A short observation of IC 1396N with Chandra, so X-ray light. How long (total time) was the observation? 30 ks = 30 kilo seconds = 30,000 seconds = 500 min = 8.33 hours

Intro - What will be useful in this section for us? Questions 1. Is the cometary globule this study looks at BRC 38? (not sure - last week cg were defined as different than brc)

Nice list of indicators of star formation in IC 1396N. Things we should know about -IRAS source 21391 +5802 -H2O masers -molecular outflows -HH flows -clusters of IR embedded sources -radio mm portostars (is this observations in radio?)

Explanation of RDI - easy to understand Explanation of why an x-ray study - I was surprised. Didn't think about magnetic fields being active in YSO.

"2.1 - 2.3 Chandra Observation & Source List" The most important things here are the tables and figures. Locations given for the found sources and correlations to 2MASS. Will we eventually understand what each of these columns mean?

2.1 - Interesting that 8 corrections were made to the data. EIGHT pg 317-8 Data reduced to 117 point sources (listed in table 1); 66 of those correlated with 2MASS; 5 newly identified

Sections 3 & 4 Data reduced to sources coming from star formation. 25 sources are probable members of the globule. Sources classified as class 0, I, II, III. It was interesting that there was flaring going on. Are YSO variable in the their light output, like a variable star?

Questions 1. Does this symbol mean of the Sun? M⊙ = mass in relation to the Sun?

Questions: 2. What is MEDE? pg 331 5.2 3. What is intervening column density? pg 332 5.3 2nd paragraph 4. What is extinction? pg 332 5.3 3rd paragraph 5. What is IMF pg 336 2nd column

Questions to ask yourself as you read Abstract, Intro and Summary -what is the flow of all the types of nebulosity that they describe and the cause/effect relationship to star formation? -how will the understanding of this cause/effect help us in our closer study of just three BRCs?

The Sample, Results -how did the authors take advantage of Palomar Sky Survey Prints? -how will this help future astronomers with their work? -table 3 lists exactly one IRAS source for each BRC, where are the rest of the YSOs we expect to see?