C-WAYS DVD Contents

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On the DVD, I attempted to collect a lot of the information that we've already assembled for our work. NOTE THAT it is FAR FROM COMPLETE but at least it is a starting point.

Nearly all of the files I make for you are plain text. If they do not have an extension like .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, then they are most likely plain text. Some of the extensions have real meanings -- like .tbl is an IPAC table file, and .reg is a ds9 regions file. PARTICULARLY IF YOU HAVE A WINDOWS MACHINE, it is quite possible that your computer won't know what to do with those files. TO TRICK IT, just change the extension to be .txt. To be safe, and keep track of the "parentage" of the file, I would add rather than swap the extension, e.g., change "ysos.reg" to be "ysos.reg.txt" so that you can view the file using any text editor, but that you as a human remember that the file is really a regions file to be read and used by ds9. (And then, of course, you will subsequently need to convince ds9 that it really is a regions file!)

There are several kinds of information on this disk - background information, data sorted by origin, and data sorted by cloud.

subdirectory contents and notes
brc27 brc27_2mass.tbl = IPAC table file retrieved from 2mass catalog

brc27_wise.tbl = IPAC table file retrieved from WISE catalog
brc27_xavierselectedysos.reg = ds9 regions file for just the candidate objects that Xavier identified as possible YSOs.
spitzerbrc27-2011-05 = subdirectory with final mosaics and source lists we used with the 2011 team
wisemosaics = subdirectory with WISE mosaics that Xavier created, since BRC27 is on the corner of a tile.

brc34 as for brc27, but with all filenames using brc34 rather than brc27, and no WISE mosaics.
brc38 mostly as for brc27, but with all filenames using brc38 rather than brc27, though no WISE mosaics, and missing the Spitzer data "from last year" because we didn't reduce these data last year.
fromxavier subdirectory with files as I received them from Xavier, with a readme from him
litdata the merged source lists by BRC from the literature, done 7/3/12 -- tableforvisit*.txt ... these files are JUST the literature sources. some of the literature reported whole data tables, and some just reported the YSOs. so there are files with everything in the literature (long) and files with just the things someone in the literature tagged as YSOs (still long, but shorter than the other file). The data from last year's team is included too.

cwayspapers = subdirectory with all journal articles and data tables as downloaded from the journal (you probably already have these)

othermosaics other mosaics that Babar or Xavier created for us
talks contains ppt and movies from Luisa's monday morning talks.

Some of you may have an extra empty directory - sorry about that.